
Sons da Lusofonia invites the community to participate in updating this website, with suggestions for new entries (Cultural Equipment and/or Artists and Artistic Entities) and sending sound environment captures, within the area of Misericórdia, in Lisbon. This participation will be compensated with a draw for tickets to association events, under conditions to be defined.
We reserve the right to accept/decline suggestions within the parameters and purposes of the project.

Participation form here

Anchored in two central premises of the Association’s three decades work, sound and community, we want to help reactivate the sense of community and neighborhood in cities which, progressively, is being replaced with individualistic postures.

This map, in addition to give visibility to the production, creation and meeting arts and culture spaces and entities, puts together sonic environments that characterize each neighborhood, powering the listening, identity and belonging, in a project produced in partnership with NOVA IMS.

Beginning in Freguesia da Misericórdia, in Lisbon, and extending to other parishes in the near future, this is a initiative where we want to value, promote, and preserve the central role of creativity, arts and sounds in the urban identity.

For more information, contact:

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The Sound and Creative Mapping of Lisbon, which we call ESCALA, and which starts in the Parish of Misericórdia, is an innovative program with a strong sociocultural vocation and aims to connect people and places in the city. In this regard, in the short to medium term, we want it to also become a social responsibility and cultural intervention program in its broadest sense, helping us to link people and places within Lisbon's multiple urban centers.

ESCALA is founded on the ideas of listening, creativity, and community, focusing on promoting new encounters and experiences in neighborhoods, parishes, and transforming routine paths into more dynamic and conscious actions. In this sense, we aim to design an innovative project that addresses the human needs of contemporary urban life, which is increasingly fragmented and accelerated. We are privileged to have NOVA IMS as a partner in this project, which has helped us from the start by bringing innovative and agile work methodologies. Together with NOVA IMS and other local partners, we aim to be promoters of new relational modes while collaboratively participating in the design and expansion of this project.

The organizational structure is based on the intersection of various areas of expertise, as has been common practice in the nearly 30 years of activity of Sons da Lusofonia. Through a model of shared governance, we want to promote the construction of a project capable of incorporating new inputs and renewals.

In this framework, the idea of working with and for people involves promoting the recognition of “points of culture and creation,” of sonic environments in neighborhoods, with local impact, through a mapping process where values such as artistic and social creativity, acoustic justice, and citizenship will always be present. Over time, we plan to develop parallel public actions that highlight different cultures and communities in the city without ghettoizing them, helping to envision the city as a large affective and creative map with several sub-maps. Thus, we aim to foster a network where soundscapes, art, and creative industries can work hand in hand, stimulating creative synergies alongside inclusion and citizenship.

The principle behind this idea arises from the combination of two central working forces in the Sons da Lusofonia Association. On one hand, we have the performing arts in their free and refined expression, as a multicultural platform for social creativity inspired by the DNA of Lisbon. On the other hand, the sociocultural and educational work developed with communities over the years, as a way to work on citizenship and social responsibility through culture and listening. As a bridge between these two areas of work, we have noticed a lack of both physical and virtual spaces that promote meetings, connections, and intersections between people and institutions from different parts of the city. In this sense, ESCALA aims to be an integrative and supportive project, connecting people, cultural programs, sonic environments, and ideas.

At the same time, as Lisbon receives visitors from all walks of life, we can contribute to a new, creative, and dynamic map of Lisbon, but also one that is permeable and inclusive. From this perspective, it can also serve as a distinctive tool for approaching the tourist city, through more diverse yet organic contributions that maintain the Lisbon DNA and, above all, the presence of Lisboetas. In this way, the project will operate on two scales: a local/contextual one and a translocal one. While the local can benefit from external contributions to promote and preserve the particularities present in each area, creating networks and bridges with other places allows for dialogues that can help expand and enrich those particularities.

Thus, more than a repository of scattered information or an isolated database, we want to help promote differentiated experiences by feeding into this open and democratic network of inclusion, visibility, and cultural access.

The city of Lisbon is marked by a great diversity of artistic and sociocultural manifestations. It is in these territories that connections and intersections between these languages can be created, opening up new possibilities for cultural and artistic interaction and new practices of citizenship. ESCALA aims to contribute to this process of urban recomposition and the creation of new ways of living together, as well as to help identify urban opportunities and challenges that support a fairer and more sustainable city governance. The seeds have been sown. We invite everyone to participate in this project, contributing to the fostering of new cultural and social dynamics in the territories. For the right to the city and to healthier and more creative lives.

Carlos Martins,
President of Sons da Lusofonia Association


A Design Thinking Approach to the City’s Sound Mapping

In the bustling landscape of an urban environment, the multitude of sounds and rhythms to which we are exposed profoundly shapes our daily experiences, though often unnoticed. At the Nova Innovation & Analytics Lab, a design thinking and innovation laboratory of the Nova Information Management School, our mission is to forge unlikely partnerships that allow us to learn about diverse topics and promote the principles of "Human-Centered Innovation." We are privileged to establish a unique collaboration with the Associação Sons da Lusofonia, aiming to bring together design thinking principles with the art of sound and creative mapping of the city, ultimately fostering a deeper and more empathetic connection with the communities we are part of.

We have learned to recognize that the sound of the city is not merely noise but a rich source of inspiration that tells stories of places, traditions, and human interactions. The approach chosen for this project is based on a widely used design thinking methodology known as mobile ethnography, adapted in this context to map the soundscape of neighborhoods.

Mobile ethnography enables individuals to become active observers and participants in their environment. By equipping participants with simple recording devices—whether smartphones or dedicated sound recorders—we invite them to embark on an auditory journey through their neighborhoods, capturing the sounds that define their daily lives and surroundings.

Through this process, participants build bridges through sound mapping, going beyond superficial observation and connecting with the essence of their community. The act of mapping sound fosters empathy, encouraging individuals to listen attentively, understand the nuances of their environment, and appreciate the diversity that defines their shared spaces.

Based on design thinking principles, our collaboration promotes iterative exploration and a human-centered focus. We do not merely map sounds; we decode narratives, uncover latent needs, and design opportunities for positive change within communities. This approach transcends traditional data collection; it acts as a catalyst for dialogue, a means for cultural expression, and a tool for communities and policymakers to create more inclusive urban environments.

By involving residents as co-creators of their soundscapes, we enable them to articulate their identity and aspirations through the universal language of sound. This shared effort not only enriches our understanding of community dynamics but also amplifies voices that are often unheard, further enhancing the spirit of inclusion and collaboration.

As we continue to refine our innovation methodologies and create empathy, we envision a future where sound and creative mapping become integral to urban planning and community engagement strategies. Through this fusion of design thinking and sound exploration, we aim to help build participatory and empathetic communities where every voice is heard and every sound tells a story.

Join us in this journey of discovery and transformation. Together, let’s listen, learn, and innovate to create cities where the sound of each space reflects the pulse and vision of its community!

Guilherme Vitorino
Coordenator of Innovation & Analytics Lab on NOVA IMS